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What is LoveLight

LoveLight is the blending of our Heart's desire to share our Love and inner Light with the world. We each have our own unique Light that we share with others during each synchronistic moment called Life. For us this Light is expanded by our Love for each other, ourselves, and all those we connect with on our path.  We call this LoveLight. 

Kate is the grounding energy behind LoveLight. She offers compassionate support and guidance to assist you on your wellness journey. She is the voice behind the phone ready to hear your story, and when needed, offer nutritional advice to ensure you are fully supported. We don't want you to just sign up for a session and never hear from us. We are here to walk with you through this journey.

Shannon is the starlight energy that aids us in remembering our Soul's Infinite Light. So many of us have forgotten we are a bright Light from the Stars here to experience life in physical form. We get lost in the density of thoughts, patterns, emotions, systems & structures that root us in the belief that we are only this physical being. Her gift of Light Language speaks directly to your Soul to awaken & activate your inner Light, to help you expand in Consciousness, and to be the spark for your Self Empowered Healing.

What is Frequency

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy, vibration, and frequency." ~ Nikola Tesla

"Everything is energy, and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics." ~ Albert Einstein

We use Conscious RIFE frequency healing for releasing old beliefs, patterns, and emotions that are holding you back from expanding into your highest potential and keeping you from feeling well. Symptoms are merely a manifestation of old ways of being and doing that no longer serve you now. These old beliefs, patterns, and emotions can keep us in a state of unease, pain, and suffering. When we can release and fully let go of the old, we make room for the new, allowing our bodies to flow and operate as nature intended.

Experience LoveLight Frequency

Heart to Heart  Nutrition Consulting for Self Empowered Wellness

Releasing Emotional Wounds & Negative Thought Patterns with Conscious RIFE

Our Sacred Process

to  Support Your

Wellness Journey

We encourage you to Inspire others

Sage James Reggae together
"My experience with Kate & Shannon’s LoveLight Frequency was immediate. From across a distance, I could feel energy moving in my body and felt my moods shifting & lightening. I just kept feeling better and better and better! Their work is transformative and literally transformed our entire family. My husband and I were working through emotional imbalances & sleep issues and our dog was working through a physical, emotional and spiritual imbalance. When our sessions were completed, our family was definitely more balanced on all levels!  I would highly recommend LoveLight Frequency for any humans or animals!" ~ Sage Lewis, Owner, Dancing Porcupine and Tie Dye Dragonfly Cacao
"All I know is that I felt soft and then full of myself!" ~ Reggae
"I was experiencing neuropathy, sleep issues, and emotional blocks. By the end of our session my overall health was substantially better. And by the end of the week our family was seeing each other through the eyes of love. I felt cared for, I could feel our family becoming closer, and I am so grateful. I would highly recommend Shannon & Kate for any health issues and emotional support." ~ James Schattauer, Co-Owner, Tie Dye Dragonfly Cacao
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